December 15, 2009

Scarcity of WATER!

Bangladesh has a scarcity of clean drinking water, especially in the dry seasons. However the nation has made great progress in water supply with the widespread use of tube wells. 97% of Bangladeshis have access to a water point. However due to the discovery of arsenic in the ground water, only 76% of these can now be considered safe. But about 28% of the urban population and 41% of the rural population still do not have access to safe water. With sanitation, only 74% of urban areas and 57% of rural areas are covered. But what should be done to change this scenario by 2050???
Safe water supplies also depend on sanitation and the practice of good hygiene. Water quality then needs to be monitored and sustained. Establishing and maintaining environmental sanitation, safe water supplies and good hygiene in Bangladesh requires a combination of initiatives:

• Effective communication of information that will change behavior
• Measures that strengthen local government
• Education from primary school stage
• Support for good management of building and engineering
• Reducing arsenic contamination in the water supply.


  1. Man, now this is unbelievable! Water which is such a basic necessity of every human being, this resource too is scarce in this country!

  2. There is scarcity of water in this country? With so many rivers around? Shocking!

  3. I did not say that there is scarcity of water. It is clean drinkable water which is scarce in this nation.
