November 17, 2009

Facts Vs Myths...with Global Warming

Hello friends! Hope you are all very well. Today I am going to speak about GLOBAL WARMING and one of its effects that it is going to have on Bangladesh. Now I know that everyone knows what global warming is but I would still like to say a few words about it. Please forgive me guys…To put it in very simple words, global warming is a rise in the average temperature of the Earth’s surface and oceans. This has been occurring since the mid 20th century resulting into deleterious consequences throughout the world. But in my blog I am only going to talk about Bangladesh.

DID YOU KNOW…It is believed that after 2050 most of Bangladesh’s land will be submerged by the rising sea level, due to global warming? James Hansen, a leading climate change scientist, predicted that Bangladesh will be drowned completely, within the next century. By 2050 the temperature in Bangladesh is expected to rise by 1.5°-2.0°C. This will cause a global increase in the rate of evaporation by 12%, leading to about 10-15% more rainfall within the year 2030 AD. The Greenhouse Gas emission can cause 2-5 meters of rise in the sea level. If this really happens, then most of the land in Bangladesh will be submerged under water!

DON”T BE SCARED…While the threat of sea-level rise is very much possible, recent predictions and reports have gone a bit far in indicating that Bangladesh is set to vanish under the waves by the end of the century. We should obviously take precautions against global warming, and there is no doubt that it is an alarming issue. But there is no need of making our country a scapegoat, really!
Silt is being deposited in the Bay of Bengal by big Himalayan rivers like Ganges and Brahmaputra in quantities of about 20 sq km every year. This is increasing the landmass of Bangladesh and over the years, if this raises the land to enough height, it might save the country from minimal rise of sea level.
At this moment our problem is not the rising of the sea level, but the explosion of population. Due to population explosion people of our country are compelled to live near the coast, on the newly formed shoals, and lose their lives helplessly when a cyclone or a tidal surge hits the coast. In my next post I will be talking about this “POPULATION” issue. As of now, I have to study now for tomorrow’s math test. Take care till then friends, bye...


  1. oh i am so relieved that bd is not going to drown under water. thnx for the facts, really!

  2. r u sure that bangladesh will not drown? because i think that if necessary precautions will not be taken, the worst may happen.

  3. Yes i m very sure that nothing so sirious will happen but we still have to take steps so that it really does not!
