Hello everyone, hope you all had a great time on Eid. I am a bit sad as the holidays are coming to an end. Anyways, back to business now. Friends, in my last post I had discussed about politics but today I will only be focusing on student politics.
Today’s students are the future of the nation – we have all heard it many times right? But what do we actually think when we observe student politics in Bangladesh? The government and university authorities of our nation have failed to take the responsibility of maintaining the peaceful academic atmosphere in the campuses and to continue the academic exercises unobstructed. Also the students themselves have not been acting like students lately! It is high time now that the students of this country develop themselves as the worthy citizens and leaders for the future of Bangladesh. Because it is really disturbing while we think about what type of leadership is awaits us in the future.
According to me the main point of student politics is so that students are not deprived of their rights or are not harmed in any way. It is something that protects the students’ interests and when needed also protests for their rights. But guys, there is a decent and polite way in which things have to be done! I am not saying that students must not protest or argue, but there must be no violence in it. After all, they are STUDENTS…not uneducated, uncultured or ill-mannered people! So what should we do? Should we ban student politics? Well, I think that banning student politics is not the answer.
The student politics must be detached from the mainstream politics and business interests, and must be only restricted to the benefits of the students. And only regular students should be allowed to do politics in the campus. Student politics is also associated with the teachers’ politics, and so teacher’s politics also needs to be rectified. The teachers should separate themselves from mainstream politics in the campus and should not use the students to keep their influence and authority in the campus. For all this, a legal agreement is necessary among the academicians, political groups, citizens, guardians and students. Only in this way can we build a better Bangladesh to live in, right?
November 30, 2009
Student Politics...
November 27, 2009
Hi guys! Today I’ll be talking about the political scenario of our country. We all know that Bangladesh is a parliamentary democracy. Despite having a long history of struggle, the political development in post independent era did not entirely support the nation's democratic practice. It is the risk of political failure that presents the most acute danger facing this nation. The two major parties in Bangladesh are the Bangladesh Awami League (AL) and the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP). The country is presently ruled by AL and BNP is determined to bring down the current government!!! Well, it was just the other way round when BNP was ruling the nation in its last tenure. The AL-BNP rivalry has been bitter and interrupted by protests, violence and murder. Each party always accuses one another of corruption, vote-rigging and inciting violence. The rift between the parties is injurious to the interest of democracy in Bangladesh. Student politics is particularly strong in Bangladesh, a legacy from the liberation movement era.

As the trend has been going on, we can decipher that the ongoing rivalry among the two major parties will continue in the future too i.e. after 2050 as well. It is high time now that the politicians in our country stop fighting among themselves and work together peacefully for the best interests and welfare of the nation. I will sign off now.
PS: EID MUBARAK TO ALL OF YOU...have a very happy, safe and enjoyable EiD!!!
November 24, 2009
Population Issues
Hi friends hope you are all fine. Well, I m not so good and nor is the sudden chill in the air doing any good to my health. Hey, these things can wait so let’s talk about them later. As I said in my earlier post, today I will talk about the population trends of Bangladesh and what it is estimated to be…
Dhaka’s population at present it has increased to more than 13 million. On the basis of the current rate of population growth, the United Nations projected that Dhaka would be home to 16.8 million people in 2015 and would be ranked among the top 20 mega cities in terms of population!!! Now, this is only a small part of the game. Not only the population of the capital city is increasing in an alarming pace, but the population of the whole country too is rising at a very fast rate. Though there is a declining trend of population growth in Bangladesh, nevertheless the total population is increasing at a fast rate, and by the turn of the century, it will be about 140 million.
A United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) report said that Bangladesh achieved some improvement in population control attaining an annual growth rate of 1.7%. But the growth will continue till 2050 and only then the population of the country will be stable, but it would be about 250 million at that time.
What will happen then? Some of the major impacts have been given below:
• There will be increased demands for consumption of goods and services that raise over-exploitation of natural resources.
• Degradation of resources and exhaustion of both ecosystems and environment of the country.
• The utility service providers of the nation will face huge pressure as they are already struggling to cope with higher demands for gas, water and electricity.
• The law enforcers will also face serious problems as they are already finding it difficult to tackle crime and disorder.
• The traffic will deteriorate further.
I will write no more today. Need a good night’s sleep; have to go for some last minute shopping tomorrow. I guess most of you are done with all your Eid shopping and preparations. And if you aren’t done yet, do it soon. C’mon guys there are only a few days left! As of me, I’ll leave now…adios…
November 17, 2009
Facts Vs Myths...with Global Warming
Hello friends! Hope you are all very well. Today I am going to speak about GLOBAL WARMING and one of its effects that it is going to have on Bangladesh. Now I know that everyone knows what global warming is but I would still like to say a few words about it. Please forgive me guys…To put it in very simple words, global warming is a rise in the average temperature of the Earth’s surface and oceans. This has been occurring since the mid 20th century resulting into deleterious consequences throughout the world. But in my blog I am only going to talk about Bangladesh.
DID YOU KNOW…It is believed that after 2050 most of Bangladesh’s land will be submerged by the rising sea level, due to global warming? James Hansen, a leading climate change scientist, predicted that Bangladesh will be drowned completely, within the next century. By 2050 the temperature in Bangladesh is expected to rise by 1.5°-2.0°C. This will cause a global increase in the rate of evaporation by 12%, leading to about 10-15% more rainfall within the year 2030 AD. The Greenhouse Gas emission can cause 2-5 meters of rise in the sea level. If this really happens, then most of the land in Bangladesh will be submerged under water!
DON”T BE SCARED…While the threat of sea-level rise is very much possible, recent predictions and reports have gone a bit far in indicating that Bangladesh is set to vanish under the waves by the end of the century. We should obviously take precautions against global warming, and there is no doubt that it is an alarming issue. But there is no need of making our country a scapegoat, really!
Silt is being deposited in the Bay of Bengal by big Himalayan rivers like Ganges and Brahmaputra in quantities of about 20 sq km every year. This is increasing the landmass of Bangladesh and over the years, if this raises the land to enough height, it might save the country from minimal rise of sea level.
At this moment our problem is not the rising of the sea level, but the explosion of population. Due to population explosion people of our country are compelled to live near the coast, on the newly formed shoals, and lose their lives helplessly when a cyclone or a tidal surge hits the coast. In my next post I will be talking about this “POPULATION” issue. As of now, I have to study now for tomorrow’s math test. Take care till then friends, bye...